We are back in Michigan for a couple of weeks. I had a chance to go up to the cabin with my buddy Larry, so we headed up for a day in northern MI. Took some photos, drank beer, and had a bonfire. Listened to the Wings lose game 6 around the fire. Take this in...

Red Columbine behind the cabin - on my back for the photo.

We walked up the South Branch of the AuSable river

Larry and I were driving down a two-track when this fawn jumped out in front of the truck and ran in front of us. It would not get off the path and it ran in front of us for about 200 yards. It finally jumped off and laid down about 30 feet off the road. I wanted to try to get a pic so I went up to it slowly and it never spooked. After taking the pic, I actually pet it's backside for about 30 seconds before it got up and ran off. Just like Ras.

Larry stokes a romantic fire
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