Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Beatles Rock Star

We went out and got the Beatles Rock Star game for the Wii the other day. I have always been a huge Beatles fan and now my kids are singing the songs. I need to turn in Metallica and Aerosmith games cause they are crap compared to the Beatles. Only a couple of good songs on each of those, where the Beatles songs were all hits. Here is Mikey rocking out to some classics...

Mikey tackles Sgt. Pepper and his Lonley Hearts Club Band

Mikey, John and Ringo partake in a rendition of Yellow Submarine off of the Revolver album.


Grandpa and Nana said...

Mikey looks like he might belong to the group! Rock the night away - go Mikey!

uncle e. said...

Looks good, Mikey. I want video!