Today is boy wonder's 7th birthday. Here are some photo's...
Matchbox Pop-Up (and lots of other stuff) from Grammy and Grampy E.
Caleb, Mikey and Sam
Mom made a Lego cake
Mikey with frosting coming out of his nose.
Mikey got lot's of gifts from friends and family. He was very happy (as you can tell by the photos) and very thankful. We do miss not having our families around us during these times. We miss you.
Did the presents from us come yet? or were they just not featured on this blog??? Looks like a fun birthday, wish we could've been there!!
One should get there today or tomorrow; the other a few days later.
No package yet, but UPS does not come until later in the afternoon. I am sure Mikey will have his face pressed against the glass if he knows he is getting more goods.
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