Monday, September 1, 2008

Catching up with more photos

Just like Hurricane Faye, Gustav was nothing more than a strong breeze and some showers now and then. Not that I want a category 4 knocking on the door, but I wouldn't mind slapping up some of this wood Paul and I cut in 98 degree heat. Anyway, here is a movie clip of about as bad as Gustav got around here, as well as some bonus photos from this summer.

Had to bring our pineapple plant inside in case Gustav got strong


Giant Root Borer - 3 inches long - Caught in pool filter

We had a bunch of tiny brown praying mantis hanging around the back porch

During the summer, we went up to see the Rayls. Here are all the kids (Mikey, Tyler, Caitlyn, Sam, and Conner)

Mikey and his best Michigan buddy - Tyler

We went to a shark fising tournament a few weeks ago. This 500 lb Tiger shark was caught somewhere off of Pensacola beach. I miss swimming in the AuSable River.

Great White Nerd


Gokoko said...

It does indeed look like Gustav was fiersom. Give the family hugs from all of us in California. Where it almost never rains {sigh} ever.

Gokoko said...

PS: How may of these bugs are now mounted for you Florida collection?

Anonymous said...

Looks like fun, dudes.