Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Drive Down

First try at this. Drove down last week with Duke LaCroix (LaCoe). Stayed in Nashville and then made a tour stop at the Jack Daniels Distillery in Lynchburg, TN. It added about four hours to the trip, but was well worth it.

Duke with the Chevy Jack Daniels Nascar

Here are some shots of my place down here. I will post more later.

We partied with work folks on Friday. Scottie and I got pretty trashed, but we had a designated driver. We went golfing the next day, but I bowed out after nine after my hangover and the fact that I suck at golf forced me out. Duke had to continue on with the back nine with Mendoza and the Director of Manufacturing. I watched Michigan get beat by Purdue in b-ball.

Went out to the fishing pier down the beach from where I live.

Have some friends and family coming down to see me in the next couple of weeks. Erps comes next weekend, as well as father-in-law. Larry heads down the following week.

We got word today that someone made an offer on our Michigan house, closing in mid-February. Ras and the kids will be heading down soon.

See you all later, knuckleheads.


e. said...

sweet -- looking forward to more posts. and more information on Larry.

Brickmyers said...

forget about larry. more LaCoe!!

Stairz said...

Coming right up.